How to Get More from Medical Software Customer Support

TotalMD’s goal is to ensure you have a perfect experience with our medical software, but sometimes things don’t go as planned. Our TotalMD customer support team is here to help solve any and all questions or concerns you may have with our software products.

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Working with software support is a team effort on both sides, and there are some things customers can do to make their experience better when they need to contact support to solve problems.
Here are our recommendations to help you make your software support a smoother and easier customer service experience:
1. Capture the Technical Issue.
When calling for product support, it helps technical support understand the situation when the customer provides clear communication on the issue. The key to the technician finding the cause, and in turn, the solution is reproducing the issue. To help them locate it, write down, or screenshot, as much information as possible about the situation. Write things down like what may have caused it, and the situation’s context that made you realize there was an issue.
Also, if any error messages come up, make sure to copy down the entire text. Error messages can often contain exactly the piece of information support needs to correct the situation then and there. Having this info prepared before you call will significantly shorten the time it takes for support to fix your issue.
2. Write down other issues you’d like help with.
While gathering information for your call to Tech Support, it also helps to make a list of any other points you want to discuss. If you plan to make the time to identify one problem, it’s a good time to address any other pain points.
Remember to write down any other questions you’d like addressed in the call. Having a plan like this will allow you to get the most out of your call. It will also make sure your most important points are addressed.
Please understand, however, on high call volume days we may not be able to address all of your questions or concerns in one session. But we will schedule an appointment to continue working with you at another time to address the others.
3. Document when the issues came up.
When did the issue occur? Did it just start happening today or has it been happening for a week? Did anything else happen around the same time the issue started? It is important to report any changes made recently. This applies to the underlying infrastructure (server, network, desktop operating system). Or it applies to any new software (such as an antivirus) that has been installed.
If at all possible, don’t try to correct the undesirable results until we’ve had a chance to look at it. If you need to make changes prior to calling about the issue, take screenshots first. Add a note with those screenshots of any odd behavior you’ve noticed recently with your computer. These information pieces help ensure the entire issue gets resolved, and not just one small portion.

4. Tell us everything you tried so far.
In addition to explaining your concern to the support technician, also tell them what troubleshooting you’ve already done. Often the technician will start with the same troubleshooting approaches you tried. So mentioning this will save you time by not having to repeat steps you’ve already taken to resolve it. It can also help the support technician further understand what is happening and dig deeper into the problem.
If you clicked on something or tried to fix something that made it worse, then don’t be afraid to tell the support technician. Incomplete information can make the resolution process take longer. It can also, in some instances, lead the technician to the wrong conclusion.
5. Come with your computer’s setting info
One of the biggest contributors
It’s important to understand the knowledge and skill required to run a medical practice is exceptional. So there’s absolutely no shame in not knowing your way around a PC. Having a staff member with a computer background working with support may shorten the resolution time. This will also provide a better experience for your office.
…Or bring a person who knows computers on your behalf.
A professional IT person can be helpful but is not always necessary. When calling support, it will make your experience much better if you have our remote access tool installed. Especially if it’s open and ready to connect should our support technician need to access your computer remotely. The support technician will need the 9 digit code to connect. For easy access to the tool, bookmark this site in your favorite web browser:
6. Know some issues take time to identify and fix.
We have dedicated, hard-working support technicians doing their very best to resolve customer concerns quickly. They are here to help you.
Sometimes, a support technician will have to ask you a question that may seem odd, irrelevant, or incorrect. This helps them to determine the source of the issue. When they ask these kinds of questions, they often simply want to make sure all the basics are checked.
After going through the basics and still not finding a resolution, a technical problem can take more time to resolve. The support technician may need to gather more information or escalate the call.
7. Take advantage of our other software support services.
Don’t discount leaving a message.
We have several resources if you don’t have time to make a phone call and live chat with a technician. Many customers believe if they leave a voicemail then it goes into “no man’s land.”
Rest assured, our customer support reviews incoming voicemails often and returns them within 24 business hours.
We only know if you called outside of business hours, called our New Customer Hotline, or a technician directly if you left a detailed message. Another resource is In an email, you can explain your issue in detail and include attachments and screenshots. Often we can resolve directly over email, and if not we can schedule a call at your convenience.
Get the TotalMD Customer Care Plan
Our most important resource, however, is our Customer Care Plan. TotalMD made this plan to focus on helping customers. Through an Hourly, Monthly, or Annual agreement, Technical Customer Support can provide you with a lot of services. Some of these include: remote support directly on your computer, scheduled Tier 2 higher support, installation assistance, and other assistance. This service goes beyond what we can offer without a support contract for any practice management products and services.