Welcome to TotalMD 18!

An official announcement of the release of TotalMD 18 practice management software.

To Our Valued TotalMD Customers, Partners, Dealers, and Friends,
Welcome to TotalMD 18!
This absolutely amazing new software release is easier and faster to use than previous versions of TotalMD!
Additionally, the new aging tool, as well as the ledger and claim tools, make it easier to collect from both insurance and patients. All of the new features are a direct result of suggestions from you, our customers.
There is no doubt about it, TotalMD 18 is easier and smoother to use than any other practice management software on the market.
This latest release truly sets the standard for practice management software and will provide a dream workflow for both you and your staff. This is not an upgrade that you can afford to miss!
David J. Arnett, Co-Founder, TotalMD
P.S. Call (800) 613-7597 to get started with this upgrade today!