Upcoming E-Prescribing Mandates You Should Know About

Electronic prescriptions and prescription drug monitoring programs are becoming more relevant than ever before. The rise of drug-related deaths poses a big challenge to communities, governments and healthcare providers. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, around 71,000 people died from a drug overdose in 2017. That’s 11 percent more than in 2016, and 34 percent more than in 2015.
Federal and state governments are tackling this epidemic by implementing prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs), which are part of the larger Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) programs.
What are prescription drug monitoring programs?
Prescription drug monitoring programs, or PDMPs, are electronic databases that track controlled-substance prescriptions. According to the CDC, although they’re still a work in progress, these programs have helped change prescribing behaviors and reduce the use of multiple providers by patients who are abusing prescription drugs.
With PDMPs, health care providers can see their patients’ prescribing histories and send electronic prescriptions to the pharmacy. With this data being tracked, providers can identify unusual or improper behaviors, and states can monitor prescribing trends.
Is your state requiring electronic prescriptions?
30 states have EPCS mandates and 16 have upcoming deadlines. 46 states plus the District of Columbia are currently running PDMP databases.
This map shows which states have an EPCS and PDMP mandate in effect.

How you can get ready for e-prescribing mandates
TotalMD has the perfect e-prescribing solution to help you make a seamless transition to electronic prescriptions.
With our EPCS system, providers can write and send electronic prescriptions from any computer or mobile device with an internet connection. Additionally, you can use our PDMP solution to verify the patient isn’t already getting meds from another provider.
Feel free to give us a call at (800) 613-7597 or send us an email at sales@totalmd.com for more information about our e-prescribing and PDMP solutions.