How to Evaluate Your Medical Insurance Billing Software

Choosing the right medical insurance billing software is a big part of running a successful EHR HIPAA medical practice. The right software protects vital information and ensures that facilities are compensated in a timely manner. Because this is so important, facilities need to follow some guidelines when choosing specific software for medical practices.

First, you should make sure the software is medical- industry specific and that it will stay up to date with the latest information. If you do not have access to the last CPT, ICD-9, and HCPCS codes, insurance companies will deny claims, creating a billing backlog. With that in mind, make sure the medical insurance billing software you choose automatically updates when there are changes to codes. This will save you time and prevent you from being forced to resubmit claims.
You also need to look at access when you evaluate medical insurance billing software. At one time, medical facilities had to load their own software on medical practice computers, but now, they can access software from the cloud. Cloud-based solutions like TotalMD, allow coders and billers to access the software from any computer that has an internet connection. This provides a great deal of flexibility. Of course, if you go with a cloud-based solution, privacy and data protection is very important. Things to look for include a server that is stored in a secure data warehouse with separate sources for electrical power and a service that provides automatic data backup on a regular basis. That way, your EHR HIPAA medical practice will not be compromised.
Electronic Medical Record Integration
In order for software to be effective, it must be able to import electronic medical records. More practices are moving to EMRs. Soon, it might be the only option for medical facilities. If the system cannot manage records, the practice will not have access to everything it needs in one place. That will increase the chance of errors. On top of that, your practice will be less efficient than competitor EHR HIPAA medical practices. Inefficiency can impact patient care, and it could eventually sully your facility’s reputation.
Software for medical practices goes a long way in helping improve care for patients and collecting money from insurance companies. With that in mind, facilities need to take special care when choosing medical insurance billing software. The right software will help the EHR HIPAA medical practice turn profit and treat patients. Practices that can accomplish those two things will be ensuring that they’re on solid footing.